College Care

College Care

College Care

Top-tier preventative care and wellness for college students. Our members receive the highest level of personalized attention and medical expertise - more than a doctor, a full-scope partner for your college journey.

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Healthcare Without Judgement:

Because Campus Life Happens

Our college care plan provides access to comprehensive healthcare services from the comfort of your room, or anywhere else in the world. The CEM approach ensures personalized attention, unhurried appointments, health management tailored to college students, and a focus on preventative care. 

Am I eligible for the college plan?

Must be enrolled in college

Age 26 or younger

If you're under 18, please give us a call us. There's a special plan for you!

What's Included in College Care:

Everyday and Sick Care

Nutrition and Weight Management

Prescription Management

Telehealth and Urgent Concerns


Sexual Health and Safety

Direct Access to your Physician

Mental Health Care

Prescription Survival Kit

Telemedicine and Urgent Concerns

Nutrition and Weight Management

Sexual Health and Safety

Annual Wellness Exam


Specialist Navigation and Referrals

Direct Access to your Physician

Mental Health Care

Prescription Survival Kit

Monthly Plan


No start-up fees

Billed Monthly

Sign Up Now

Best Value

Annual Plan


No start-up fees

Billed Annually

Sign Up Now

How to Join the College Care Program

1. Contact us

Contact us by phone, email, or via the interest form

2. Learn more and ask questions

Learn more about CEM and the program's offerings

3. Choose your membership plan

Complete the membership agreement and paperwork

4. Meet your doctor (recommended)

Review your health goals and interests

5. Accessible care starts now

Whether its mental, sexual, or physical health, we’re ready for you!

College Life is Stressful Enough. Don't Let Your Health Be Part of It.

With their whole lives ahead of them, and some very busy years right in front of them, college-aged young adults should be focused on higher education and forging their careers. It's easy for health issues to surface and interfere with their progress. Often, college campuses are ill-equipped to treat students holistically, or local urgent cares lack the relationship touch to offer true preventative care. The value of a concierge physician for college-aged young adults is the trust in a doctor who knows them and can support their stage in life.

Three people are sitting at a table using laptops

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