Young Adult Primary Care

Young Adult Primary Care

Young Adult Primary Care

Top-tier preventative care and wellness for young adults. Our members receive the highest level of personalized attention and medical expertise - more than a doctor, a full-scope partner for your health and wellness.

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Your Health, Your Life: Personalized Concierge Care for Young Adults

Our annual memberships offer comprehensive primary care services tailored for young adults. The CEM approach guarantees personalized attention, unhurried appointments, health management designed specifically for your lifestyle, and a strong focus on preventative care. Experience top-tier medical attention and support in Scottsdale, AZ, or anywhere in the world.

Eligible for YA Program:

Ages 18 - 26

Not enrolled in a college

If under 18 and not enrolled in college, check out our Youth Program.

What's included in the Young Adult Plan:

Prescriptions and Medications

Annual Wellness Exam

Sexual Health and Safety

Routine and Sick Care

Telemedicine and Urgent Concerns

Specialist Navigation and Referrals

Direct Access to your Physician

Mental Health Care

Prescription Requests and Renewals

Prescriptions and Medications

Annual Wellness Exam

Sexual Health and Safety

Routine and Sick Care

Telemedicine and Urgent Concerns

Specialist Navigation and Referrals

Direct Access to your Physician

Mental Health Care

Prescription Requests and Renewals

Monthly Plan


No start-up fees

Billed Monthly

Ideal for Busy Young Adults Needing Flexible Care

Sign Up Now

Best Value

Annual Plan


No start-up fees

Billed Annually

Perfect for Young Adults Committed to Year-Round Wellness


Sign Up Now

How to Join the Young Adults Membership Program

1. Contact us

Contact us by phone, email, or via the interest form

2. Learn more and ask questions

Pick the plan that is best suited for you

3. Choose your membership plan

Complete the membership agreement and paperwork

4. Meet your doctor (recommended)

Review your health goals and interests

5. Preventative care 24/7

Enroll in a plan, and become a member

Young adults shouldn't have to worry about healthcare.

With their whole lives ahead and some very busy years on the horizon, young adults are often focused on their careers and starting families. It's easy for health issues to arise and interfere with their progress. Traditional healthcare options may not provide the holistic and preventative care needed. The value of a concierge physician for young adults lies in the trust and personalized support of a doctor who knows them personally and understands their unique stage in life.

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